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After you earn the Main Patch and a Segment Trail Award, then you are eligible to earn the ultimate – a separate Fifty Mile Hike Patch.  All Trail Segment Requirements apply, except that you must hike a specific continuous 50-mile section in a single multi-day event.  Hiking a 50-mile section of the original Mormon Battalion Trail Segments is preferred, but those who cannot reach one due to distance or expense may substitute an equivalent local trail.  No “splitting” the distance into separate events.  


This two-color embroidered ¾” high x 5” wide patch will have gold colored edging and black outlined gold colored lettering on tan cloth.


Please allow 2-3 weeks shipping time.  


Must submit completed Trails Award Application Form to receive patch and certificate.

50 Mile Hike Patch - CC-1012


    Mormon Battalion Association

    495 Holbrook Drive

    Idaho Falls, ID, 83401-4168


    General Email Address:

    Mormon Battalion Association I Copyright 2021  All Rights Reserved

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